Your Typical Technical SEO Checklist to Enjoy Better Visibility


Novice website owners frequently underestimate the significance of SEO, particularly technical SEO, partly because of a lack of knowledge regarding how SEO affects their online visibility.

Many people are of the view that having a well-crafted, aesthetically pleasing website is enough to draw traffic and rank highly in search results, which is not true. They ignore how important technical SEO is to a website’s ability to be found, accessed, and navigated.

A typical technical SEO checklist includes factors such as crawlability, security, mobile friendliness, and site performance, all of which have a telling impact on user experience and search engine rankings.

Website owners run the danger of decreased organic traffic, poor search engine exposure, lower conversion rates, and lost opportunities to engage with their target audience by ignoring these factors. Technical SEO problems can also result in broken links, security holes, and sluggish loading pages, which worsen user experience and credibility.

Here are some technical SEO tips to remember to avoid optimization issues:

Invest in the Right SEO Software for Technical SEO

In order to make sure their websites operate as well as possible in search engine rankings, new website owners need to understand the significance of tools for technical SEO.

Finding the right software has become easier with various sites offering SEO software reviews. For instance, you can find many top tools compared at, where you can match your needs with all the features different tools and software solutions offer. You can even identify SEO software to help perform a complete technical SEO audit, which helps improve a website’s backend functionality and structure.

These tools and software solutions help streamline and automate difficult processes like site audits, performance monitoring, and problem-solving. Moreover, website owners may maintain a high-performing website by using such tools like Google Search Console.

Additionally, Core Web Vitals optimization, utilizing HTTPS for safe connections, and making sure structured data and hreflang tags are used appropriately for multilingual content are just a few of the best practices that a good tool helps to put into effect.

Be Sure to Optimize Website Structure

Technical SEO’s cornerstone, site structure optimization, ought to be the first priority for newly established websites. In addition to improving user experience, a solid website structure greatly accelerates search engine crawling and indexing, both of which are essential for being visible in search results.

Concentrating on site structure from the beginning has several benefits for new websites. First of all, it creates a strong foundation for future development, guaranteeing that material will be arranged and easily accessible even as the website grows.


Second, a coherent structure maximizes each page’s SEO value by facilitating the efficient distribution of link equity. Finally, it lessens the possibility of technical problems that could interfere with SEO efforts, such as orphaned pages or duplicate material.

Establishing a distinct hierarchy is crucial for new website owners looking for website structure optimization. To achieve this, information must be arranged into primary categories and subcategories, with each page being no more than three clicks away from the homepage.

Improved crawlability and user navigation are possible when a flat architecture is used instead of a deep one. New website owners can achieve that by considering SEO basics and SEO tools for beginners. However, they must concentrate on crafting meaningful, keyword-rich URLs that are optimized for search engines.

Similarly, strategic internal linking can help users (and search engines) navigate the site’s most significant pages by connecting similar material. And adding breadcrumbs can improve navigation even further and give search engines more information.

New websites can gain traction by building a sitemap and submitting it to search engines, even with little content. This makes it possible for all pages to be found and indexed. Regularly evaluating and modifying the site’s structure will help sustain its efficacy and continue its search engine optimization efforts as it expands.

Improve Website Speed and Performance

A website that loads quickly is essential for enhancing search engine rankings, decreasing bounce rates, and offering a satisfying user experience.

Prioritizing performance optimization from the start can help new websites lay a solid basis for future expansion. New website owners can successfully improve speed and performance by following these action-steps.

  • Go for a credible hosting company: Go for a hosting package that provides fast server response times and sufficient bandwidth for your requirements.
  • Put in place a content delivery network (CDN): CDNs shorten load times for users from various parts of the world by distributing your material among several servers.
  • Optimize photos: Compress and resize images to minimize file sizes. Use more recent formats, such as WebP, for improved compression.
  • Code minification: To make HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files smaller, remove whitespace, comments, and extra characters from the files.
  • Turn on browser caching: Configure the relevant cache headers to let browsers store static files locally, which will expedite the loading of subsequent pages.
  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining several JavaScript and CSS files, using CSS sprites for images.
  • Make use of lazy loading: Wait until non-essential resources, including pictures below the fold, are needed to load before loading them.
  • Optimize material that appears above the fold: To increase perceived loading speed, load important content first.
  • Use minimal plugins and themes: To cut down on overhead, select lightweight themes and just utilize necessary plugins.
  • Watch and test often: Track performance and pinpoint areas for improvement with tools like GTmetrix, Pingdom, and Google PageSpeed Insights.

By putting these tactics into practice, novice website owners can guarantee that their websites are fast from the outset, giving them a strong platform for expansion and success in search engine rankings.

Ensure Mobile-Friendliness

You can use website design tools to create a website, but you need to ensure that it performs equally well on various devices. More than half of all internet traffic now comes through mobile devices, and the trend is only going to get stronger. Not optimizing your site now means losing a significant portion of potential traffic.


Mobile-friendliness has garnered more attention after Google’s newfound love for these devices and the use of mobile-first indexing. This means that websites are now predominantly indexed on mobile devices, and if your site loses all its elements with a change in screen size, you will witness lower rankings and get little to no traffic from desktops as well.

Google has always attached a huge importance to user experience, which is now an important ranking factor. A site is considered mobile-friendly when, among other factors, it has faster load times, easy navigation, and easy-to-read content, all of which go into enhancing user experience.

In order to optimize sites for mobile devices, you need to pay attention to various best practices. For instance:

Category Best Practices
Responsive Design Use responsive design to fit any screen size and design with mobile users in mind first.
Fast Loading Speeds Compress images without quality loss, reduce heavy scripts and stylesheets, and store static files locally.
User-Friendly Navigation Ensure buttons and links are large enough to tap and use simple, easy-to-navigate menus.
Content Optimization Use large, legible fonts and keep text short and to the point.
Avoid Pop-Ups Minimize intrusive elements like pop-ups that obscure content.
Regular Testing Regularly test on various devices and monitor performance with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.
Voice Search Optimization Optimize for natural language and long-tail keywords, providing concise answers to common questions.

Keep in mind that a technically optimized website is more likely to rank higher and draw more traffic, as Google urges webmasters to improve site speed and publish mobile-friendly websites to significantly influence SEO performance and search rankings.


When you want your website to perform well online and get you tons of traffic, you must never ignore technical SEO. It ensures your website is indexable, directly impacting your rankings and visibility. Not considering various technical SEO techniques, such as fast loading times, site structure, secure connections, etc., would jeopardize the whole SEO campaign. Be sure to give enough attention to technical SEO and use the right tools to simplify optimization.