Why Should You Utilize AI-Based Wealth Management Solutions


In the current financial climate, the successful administration of your economic assets will largely be influenced by the wealth management solutions you implement. AI-based asset administration tools can aid in the deployment of your financial activities and make use of advanced analytics and machine learning data to streamline and optimize the decision-making tasks required for optimizing your portfolio growth. How can AI help? Ultimately, it’s all about providing personalized solutions that can be adapted to the subjective needs of each client.

AI can play a supportive role in analyzing a client’s financial ambitions and aid in identifying the market conditions relevant to creating customizable investment strategies. AI tools can monitor financial assets in real-time, implement portfolio adjustments based on market developments, and change the implemented economic strategy based on customer objectives and risk management inputs. High-quality wealth management tech solutions can mitigate investment risks by leveraging data obtained from external databases and spot patterns in the collected information that human financial advisors may have overlooked.

How Do Wealth Management Tech Solutions Address Investment Challenges?

The keywords when talking about high-tech wealth management solutions are predictive modeling and comprehensive data analysis. Unlike humans, AI-based solutions can leverage impressive amounts of historical financial data at once and identify patterns in the gathered information that may not be visible to human wealth management analysts. The speed provided by AI-based tools can help wealth managers invest in more diverse and comprehensive investment strategies and focus their attention on new technologies with a high potential for significant financial returns.

AI can enhance the allocation of assets across various investment classes, aid in reducing bias, and monitor the market round the clock for changes that could impact your portfolio. Plus, it’s a fantastic tool for improving human wealth manager’s attention, spotting investment opportunities before


they become visible in the market, and building goal-oriented portfolios aimed at specific financial objectives. Since the number of Americans investing in the stock market and cryptocurrencies is constantly rising, and as this trend is seen worldwide, the role of AI in FinTech is more critical than ever. Therefore, it is a crucial part of tomorrow’s financial investment solutions.

How Do FinTech Companies Secure Asset Management Solutions?

When discussing the security measures implemented by FinTech organizations, the principal keyword is always encryption. To be secure from external threats, FinTech platforms offer end-to-end cryptography for financial data uploaded by clients and store it in secure cloud vaults that benefit from 256-bit encryption. Moreover, most FinTech platforms active at a national or international level require users to utilize MFA or biometric verification methods and constantly monitor user portfolios through AI-based fraud detection platforms that use machine learning to identify fraudulent transaction patterns.

Nationally active FinTech platforms are required by international law to adhere to KYC, AML, and GDPR measures, monitor user transactions for potential inconsistencies, and report possible money laundering attempts, per the FATF proposals and the FinCEN orders. Moreover, nowadays, most FinTech platforms leverage distributed ledger technology, the most well-known being blockchain. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology makes it secure and resistant to hacking. Plus, since in DLT, the informational data is stored across multiple nodes, once the financial data is written to the blockchain, it cannot be modified, as it benefits from cryptographic security.

What Is the Role of Custodial Platforms?

To put it simply, custodial platforms are online services focused mainly on protecting online assets, such as stocks and bonds. Moreover, such a platform provides clients with frequent reports on the performance of their portfolios, ensures that their activities align with international financial regulations, helps users keep records of past investments, and assists with transaction management. By using DLT, such as blockchain, custodial platforms can streamline many of the processes necessary for online asset management and reduce the risks of human errors.

Custodial platforms leverage security tokens that assure a clear record of transactional data without the respective data being affected by privacy concerns. While the record of this data is made transparent for regulatory requirements, the content is secured through various blockchain security features that involve advanced encryption technologies. Plus, since they utilize blockchain technology, custodial platforms eliminate the fees charged by intermediaries, remove the necessity of third-party validation tools, and help with asset fractionalization, making it easy to trade smaller portions of the gathered assets.

Blockchain-based custodial platforms facilitate speed, eliminate the delays associated with traditional financial transfers, allow institutional and retail entities to participate in market trading, and are considered a crucial part of modern wealth management tech solutions. Not least, custodial platforms can be successfully integrated with AI-based wealth management solutions and allow for the real-time verification of account information and transactional history.


Custodial platforms can enhance the client experience by providing comprehensive tools for portfolio management. On top of that, they work alongside wealth management tech to automate the processes that affect the workload of wealth managers.

A New and Exciting Future

The era of traditional financial operations has come to an end. Blockchain technology plays a crucial role in the BaaS operations offered by FinTech companies, ensuring an efficient way through which anonymity and the speed of clients’ financial decisions can be assured. By definition, blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that stores online records in a manner that is transparent and almost impervious to tampering. The operational costs associated with blockchain are reduced thanks to the elimination of intermediaries, and the leverage of smart contracts and AI technology reduces the need for human intervention and facilitates the implementation of wealth management programs.

The machine learning algorithms of wealth management solutions can optimize the allocation of financial resources necessary for optimal and sustainable growth by taking into account long-term economic forecasts and by performing analyses of market developments and investor profiles. AI tools can automate time-consuming tasks such as portfolio rebalancing, which would typically fall on your shoulders or those of your financial collaborators. Moreover, AI-based wealth management tech programs are exceptional assets for detecting financial mismanagement.

The algorithms incorporated by AI-based wealth management solutions can perform multiple concurrent simulations of investment scenarios and be used to test strategies that contribute to the redistribution of the client’s financial portfolios. Plus, such tools can predict market volatility developments before they affect the feasibility of the client’s financial investments, anticipate crashes in specific sectors, rebalance assets according to set risk profiles, and be used for creating customizable management strategies based on the liquidity and past financial behaviors of analyzed market players. The future of wealth management tech is hard to predict. However, what is certain is that it will be closely linked to DLT and Artificial Intelligence.