Augmented Reality Technology in Building and Construction: Mistakes to Sidestep


Construction companies are facing a lot of challenges these days: rising costs, supply chain issues, and labor shortages. Because of this, project teams have to do more with less to meet deadlines and stay within budget while maintaining quality.

Augmented Reality in construction is increasingly recognized as a tool to enhance efficiency. However, not all AR solutions are equal. Their performance and features can vary significantly. How you implement the technology is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Proper application and robust project controls are essential for leveraging AR effectively.

In this article, we’ll discuss five common mistakes to avoid when choosing and using AR in your construction projects.

Get Expert Help for AR in Construction

Don’t go it alone with AR.

Trying to handle AR on your own can reduce its effectiveness. While some AR tools are user-friendly, the best results come from experience. Effective use of construction AR requires more than just tech knowledge. It involves understanding various projects, data analytics, stakeholder management, project controls, and crafting implementation strategies.

The Importance of Clear Objectives

Set clear objectives to reduce errors and rework with AR. Make it a priority.

Simply buying AR technology and hoping for the best won’t ensure success. Without clear objectives, you won’t fully benefit from AR. Teams need to know exactly what they want to achieve, how to use AR in the field, and how to make the most of the data it provides. Without clear goals, it’s also hard to get business leaders and clients on board with the investment.

Addressing UX Issues

AR that isn’t designed specifically for the construction environment will fall short in the field. Poor user experience (UX) can lead to many problems: lack of durability, poor screen visibility, incompatibility with PPE, short battery life, and weak connectivity.

Using both hands to operate mobile or handheld devices can be cumbersome in construction settings. Wired or physically tethered systems further complicate use and hinder mobility. These design flaws not only reduce performance and comfort but also pose safety risks.

Another common issue is “drift,” where the AR model shifts out of alignment with the real-world environment, compromising accuracy. This often happens because the AR solution can’t handle complex 3D models.

Ignoring User Training and Support

Insufficient training and support for users can lead to underutilization of AR capabilities. Construction teams need adequate training to effectively operate AR tools and leverage them for maximum productivity.


Without ongoing support, resolving technical issues or optimizing workflows becomes challenging, impacting overall project efficiency and ROI.

Overcoming Compatibility Limitations

Choose construction-native solutions. This allows field operators to identify issues during inspections, mark them precisely in the 3D model, and notify relevant stakeholders for prompt corrective action.

For AR to be effective in construction, real-time information flow between the field and office is crucial. If your AR solution doesn’t integrate well with your existing workflows and project management platforms, achieving this synergy becomes impossible. This leads to isolated information and hampers accuracy and progress tracking.

AR solutions designed for gaming or leisure are not suitable for construction due to poor integration and lack of safety certifications. They also struggle with loading large models and suffer from drift and lag issues.

Managing Cost

Choose AR technology that includes project controls for optimal results.

Proper use of AR can streamline construction processes, reducing errors and minimizing waste of time and materials. This efficiency directly impacts your bottom line by avoiding cost overruns. In the long term, consistent use of AR can enhance your reputation for delivering high-quality work on time.

Neglecting Scalability and Flexibility

Choosing an AR solution that lacks scalability or flexibility can hinder its usefulness as your projects grow or change.


A rigid system may not adapt well to evolving project requirements or new technological advancements, limiting its long-term viability.

Conclusion: Quick Checklist for Success

  • Ensure your AR implementation targets specific goals like reducing errors, improving efficiency, and enhancing project quality.
  • Opt for AR technology designed specifically for construction environments to avoid compatibility issues and ensure safety certifications.
  • Select AR tools that are user-friendly, durable, and compatible with construction safety gear to enhance usability and minimize operational challenges.
  • Verify that your AR solution seamlessly integrates with your current project management platforms for efficient data flow and collaboration.
  • Provide comprehensive training for your teams to maximize the benefits of AR and ensure ongoing technical support for smooth operations.
  • Select an AR solution that can grow with your projects and adapt to future technological advancements without major disruptions.
  • Optimize project management with AR solutions that offer advanced project controls for accurate progress tracking, risk management, and decision-making.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively harness the power of AR to streamline construction processes, minimize costs, and deliver projects on time and within budget.