If you are wondering about how to write a sci-fi novel, you should know that there is no one way to answer this question. Getting started as a writer is challenging in itself – however, there are several practical tips that you can integrate to ensure your success as a sci-fi writer.
Without further ado, let us jump straight to the list of practical and effective tips for writing sci-fi.
Let Go of Worries
Many aspiring sci-fi writers worry too much about not being qualified enough to write in this genre. The thing is that you don’t really need any special degree to write sci-fi. Also, you don’t need any special writing software. You don’t need to look out for anyone’s approval or permission, either.
If you want to write science fiction, then you simply go for it. All you need to do is jump right in and keep in mind that the only thing that you need to write is whatever you are comfortable with. It can be a pen and paper, but it could also be your laptop. Also, if you want to feel confident about your writing skills, you might want to check out how to write science fiction and familiarize yourself with the basics first before you start writing.
You get the point – let go of self-doubt and worries and simply get yourself something to start with and the confidence. This is all you need to kick-start your writing journey.
Find A Burning Idea
Now, if you are wondering what a burning idea is, it is as simple as this: it is an idea that inspires you to write sci-fi. The burning idea makes you want to sit down in front of a computer or open your notebook and grab a pen to write the idea down. This way, you know your idea will be out there in the world at some point.

The thing is that as an aspiring writer when you have this idea – you are probably afraid of writing down the idea because you are afraid that you cannot live up to your own expectations. If you want to write sci-fi, there is a great chance that you have read many books about sci-fi yourself, and on a subconscious level, you might be comparing yourself to the great authors out there whose level of professionalism (in your mind) you might never obtain.
Accept Your First Draft Will Be Bad
Now, to set realistic expectations and start your writer’s journey as realistically as possible, you should know the brutal truth, which is that your earliest writings are going to be bad. This is the harsh truth for every writer out there.
You will start with writing bad sci-fi stories, which is perfectly fine.
Start with Small Steps
A lot of inspiring writers never complete their sci-fi stories because they are overly intimidated by writing an epic novel or an ongoing book series. In other words, many aspiring writers are so intimidated by the ultimate goal that they have set for themselves that they cannot take small steps toward it.
You should know that you cannot reach your big goal if you fail to take the small steps towards it every day. So, you have to start small, and you have to start by recognizing what makes a good sentence and what makes a good scene.
Once you have established the art of building a good scene – you can start working on smaller stories. You get the point – the point is to start small and to keep your eyes on the bigger goal.
Choose to Write What You Are Passionate About
If you want to be successful as a sci-fi writer, the best thing you can do for yourself and your ideal readers is to write what you like or choose a subject that you are truly passionate about. Believe us when we tell you that the worst thing that you can do for yourself is to write a story that you are not passionate about.

Unfortunately, loads of writers or aspiring writers make the mistake of writing something that is incredibly boring because the only things that they are capable of writing are the boring things that occur in their everyday lives.
Have Fun While Writing
On that note, if you want to be a writer whose books people enjoy reading, then you should have fun with it and only choose to write sci-fi if you are passionate about this subject. Of course, you are writing your stories for others to read, but your readers will be able to tell whether you enjoyed writing about it or not. If you are not passionate about your subject, then why would your readers feel passionate about reading it?
As an aspiring writer, you should explore ideas and not hesitate to go in all kinds of crazy directions. Keep in mind that if you don’t feel passionate about the story that you are writing – your audience will certainly not be passionate as well.
Learn From Mistakes
If you truly want to set yourself up for success when writing a sci-fi story, you should make as many mistakes as possible. Why, you might ask? Well, the answer is as simple as this: the fastest way to grow and develop as a writer is through making as many mistakes as possible.
When you make mistakes and write bad stories, you start to critically analyze your work, and you start to recognize why your stories aren’t working. Once you recognize your shortcomings, you will be able to address your potential issues.
Learn From Other Author’s Work
For instance, you might find that you struggle with the settings of your sci-fi stories, and you assess that the settings are usually bland. Once you recognize this, you sit down and read a story from one of your favorite sci-fi authors. Subsequently, you start to pay attention to how to pull off a perfect setting and how they make the setting in their stories work; you can apply their strategy to your work.
Also, you would be doing yourself a great favor by sharing your stories with a writer’s community or beta readers who can provide you with valuable feedback and tell you what exactly is wrong with your stories.